Discover the power of color
Did you know that wearing the right colors can make you look radiant, energized, and even more youthful. But wearing the wrong shades will make you look tired, exhausted, and can even age you.
As a Certified Color Analysis Specialist I can recommend the best shades of clothing, accessories, makeup, patterns, and more to each of my clients. By analyzing your hair and eye colors, skin tone, and contrast level, I will assign you to the correct Color Code and help you to select your best colors.
Are you ready to become color confident? Let's get started!
The Color Experience
The Color Experience is a 60 min session that provides you with an in-depth explanation of your Color Code. You'll receive personalized recommendations for clothing, jewelry, accessories, makeup, and more. Includes a Digital Style Guide and both the Digital Color Collection and Color Card Swatch Deck.
Appointments local to Pinehurst, North Carolina can be held in person or virtually. All other sessions will be virtual.